Solid chemistry

Chemenergy is changing the way water treatment accounts are handled around the globe. Our solid water treatment programs provide waste reductions, water savings, energy savings and safer chemical handling all with attractive pricing plans. Protect your building, building operators and guests with this safer alternative.

Our patented solid water treatment systems will allow you to:

Operate with safer product lines and eliminate harmful chemicals:

Once our solid water treatment system is installed, we transport solid non-hazardous water treatment products on site for use in our patented system. Maintenance personnel can now work safer without the constant worry of chemical contact on skin or hazardous chemical spills that can shutdown building or business operations or draw unwanted negative media attention.

Smaller Footprint:

A 10lb solid canister will treat 250,000+ gallons of raw water. 2 Solid canisters are more concentrated that liquid water chemistry and will replace a 55 gallon drum. Requiring one-sixth of the space needed to store other competing water treatment products.

Eliminate Dangerous work place hazards and reduce waste outputs:

Hauling drums and pails upstairs and through narrow spaces is a thing of the past. Our solid water treatment canisters can be packed up to 4 in simple cardboard box that is easy to transport and recyclable after use. Our solid canister encapsulation material is also recyclable.


Chemenergy's Solid Cooling Water Program delivers significant energy and water savings. While reducing carbon footprint and allowing longer asset life through more efficient treatments and products.

Partner with us to ensure proper pricing plans and servicing using over 44 years of our solid water treatment expertise.

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