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Legionella Control

Chemenergy's Legionella programs can help you package all of your Legionella services into a NYS law compliance program. Keeping paperwork up to date for the state while ensuring you maintain a Legionella bacteria free cooling water system and building premise. All while ensuring you benefit from our Legionella services we offer at our package discounting.

Ashrae 188 & Law 77 Compliant

Chemenergy's full Legionella control packages will ensure your commercial building & manufacturing plant meets New York State and New York City Legionella laws and guidelines. Chemenergy follows strict Ashrae 188 and law 77 guidelines to deliver a legionella control program that is effective and up to date with current standards.

Partnering with companies around the world to ensure legionella control we have been offering legionella services since the 80's. This foresight has prepared Chemenergy for the current state of affairs in New York City & New York State.

Chemenergy's service technicians are certified biocide chemical applicators operating with all proper licenses.

Legionella has continued to grow and continues to plague buildings worldwide. Over time legionella will become even more recognized for the threat it poses to public health and safety in water. Put a plan in place today that ensures you are covered when audited by New York State.

Complete Legionella control packages:

Ashare 188 complaint
Law 77 & NYS legionella complaint
Routine Bacteria testing & monitoring
Routine Legionella sampling & ISO certified lab testing
Cooling tower inspections & documentation
Cooling water disinfections & documentation
Cooling tower mechanical cleaning services
NYS Certified Biocide chemical applicators
NYS legionella control documentation and all associated paperwork
High legionella CFU clean-ups and system decontaminations

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