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Legionella Testing

Chemenergy's water treatment packages comply with local law 77 and NYCDOH mandates regarding proper legionella control in cooling water systems. Following all state laws and Ashrae 188 plans, Chemenergy offers full lab capabilities for legionella culture sampling, testing and reporting. Put your facility in the hands of Chemenergy for complete legionella control. It is the peace of mind you have been looking for.

Culture sampling for Legionella remains the only accurate test.
It is the gold standard for legionella testing according to multiple labs.

A2LA Certified for Legionella:

Chemenergy is only water treatment company to partner with a lab that has been accredited by the A2LA for Legionella testing.

Culture sampling:

Culture sampling, a process that requires incubation and a wait of 7 - 10 days for final results, is the only test that identifies Legionella species and serogroups. It is the only test recognized currently for legionella detection in NYS law 77, and NYCDOH mandates for legionella compliance in cooling tower water systems. Testing any other way does not yield accurate results and could result in a mis-detection.

Cooling Tower sampling:

Chemenergy's legionella testing programs ensure total compliance with your local laws. Chemenergy can identify weak or strong sampling points to ensure an accurate test is carried out for your cooling tower water system. Put your sampling and legionella testing needs into the hands of a reputable organization that will ensure water samples are handled correctly and documentation is in order.

Lab Delivery:

Chemenergy will cover lab deliveries and ensure your sample reaches the laboratory within the proper packing and temperature specifications required to test for all 15 serogroups of Legionella Pnuemophila. Overnight delivery is included with every legionella compliance package offered by Chemenergy.

Legionella Pnuemophila:

Legionella Pnuemophila is the most common disease-causing member of the Legionellaceae family. Legionella Pneumophila has 15 serogroups that will be tested for using ISO standards.

1173: 2017. Water Quality: Enumeration of Legionella

Research has shown that approximately half of the 58 species of Legionella have been implicated in human disease. Chemenergy's lab services can detect the main disease causing species or serogroups of Legionella.

Chemenergy's lab services test for the main legionella species implicated in human disease:

L. pneumophila (serogroups 1–15)
L. dumoffii
L. micdadei
L. bozemanii
(serogroup 1)
L. longbeachae (serogroups 1, 2)
L. jordanis
L. feeleii (serogroup 1)
L. gormanii
L. wadsworthii
L. hackeliae
L. maceachernii
L. oakridgensis
L. cherrii
L. sainthelensi
L. anisa
L. parisiensis
L. spiritensis
L. jamestownensis
L. steigerwaltii
L. rubrilucens
L. erythra

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