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Valve Replacement

Cooling tower water systems dissipate heat from building sources into the atmosphere through cooling tower evaporation. As water is evaporated into the atmosphere and cooling is achieved this colder water is sent back through the building loop on the condenser side to pick up more heat that needs to be chilled down to engineered temperatures. As this cycle continues, the cooling water will concentrate bulk solids and contaminants that need to be drained off from the system on an automated basis. Heavy duty industrial valves will actuate based on inline probe readings in order to lower bulk contaminants down into acceptable ranges for the cooling system.

Solenoid & other Valve replacements:


Valves and other electronically actuated devices related to water treatment chemical dosing and water quality control often go neglected in commercial buildings both big and small. Neglecting routine part replacements to address defective control valves, probes and other water treatment equipment can have devastating economical impacts for building owners.

Replacing control valves in a timely manner will ensure the ROI is returned to the commercial building, while putting off repairs will only drive the cost of replacement higher due to other problems occurring as the result of neglect. Chemenergy can help with your next control valve replacement to ensure water quality is not comprised on your buildings HVAC open recirculating loops, condenser cooling tower loops, and closed loops.


Partner with us for the following control valve services:

- Complete control valve retrofits
- Control valve electrical installation and testing
- Control valve calibration and installation for water treatment PLC controllers and other controller models

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